Accueil > Etudier à l’IJN > Offres des stage à l’Institut Jean-Nicod > OFFRES DE STAGE
L’institut Jean-Nicod propose régulièrement des stages. N’hésitez pas à contacter directement les chercheurs pour toute question :
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ Linguistic basis of legal originalism – M2
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ The physical and legal nature of icebergs – M2
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ Climate-change induced islands flooding and displaced sovereignty – M1/M2 - 2022/2023
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ The ontology of climate trials – M1/M2 - 2022/2023
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ Towards a new typology of meteorological events – M1/M2 - 2022/2023
Bourgeois-Gironde Sacha ǀ Sub-Arctic snow as a complex natural species – M1/M2 - 2022/2023
Casati Roberto - A new legal approach to the exploitation of krill in the Southern Ocean - Master’s level - Spring-Summer 2024
Casati Roberto ǀ Philosophies of the ocean – M1/M2 – 4 mois
Casati Roberto ǀ The horizon : philosophical and cognitive aspects – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Sea and sea-machines : changes in ocean perception and engagement – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Regions of the sea : conceptual issues – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Carl Schmitt’s Land and sea (Land und Meer) : philosophy, ideology, and narratives – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ The color of the sea in maps – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Epistemological challenges of citizen science – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Knowledge management of a corpus of studies on the environmental transition – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ Editing a movie on a transatlantic crossing – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Casati Roberto ǀ The philosophy of low tech – M1/M2 – 2022/2023
Morin Olivier ǀ Graphic communication : How minds shape culture – M1/M2 – 5 mois
Strickland Brent ǀ Developing a method for "cognitive audits" of charitable websites – M2 – 5 mois