Institut Jean Nicod
  • TRIBUTE ǀ Alvin Goldman (1938-2024)

    Many of us have had the opportunity to interact or collaborate with philosopher Alvin Goldman. His presence at Institut Nicod, on top of several visits and exchanges, was felt in countless discussions of his work in our classes and seminars.
    After a PhD at Princeton, Alvin Goldman became a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and then at the University of Michigan. In 1983 he became a professor in philosophy and cognitive science at the University of Arizona in Tucson and (...)

  • CONFERENCE ǀ Rencontres H+ Paris : “Transhumanisme & IA” avec Aïda Elamrani

  • DEC SEMINAR ǀ Jérome Dokic and Joëlle Proust will host a new seminar on Cognitive Epistemology

    Instructors : Jérome Dokic, Joëlle Proust
    This seminar will study the status and functional role of normative evaluations involved in the elaboration of knowledge, both at the individual and at the collective level. It is open to EHESS and ENS students and PhDs.
    Day and time : Two Mondays per month, 15:00-17:00
    Frequency : 12 sessions total (two per month), starting October 9, 2023
    Location : Seminar room of the Pavillon Jardin, ENS
    Object of the seminar : (...)

  • SEE AGAIN ǀ "The Present and Future of AI" Fireside chat between Yann LeCun (NYU & Meta) and Frédérique de Vignemont (CNRS & NYU Paris)

  • EXPOSITION ǀ Roberto Casati est membre du comité scientifique de l’exposition ""L’eau, ça turbine", proposée par l’Université PSL en partenariat avec Eau de Paris.

  • OUVRAGE ǀ Le CNRS présente "What it All Means" (MIT Press, 2022) de Philippe Schlenker

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