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Soutenance de thèse - Tricia Magalotti - "The Epistemic Justification of Emotions"


La soutenance aura lieu mardi 10 décembre 2019 à 10h à l’ENS, 29 rue d’Ulm 75006, en salle U207


Le jury sera composé de :

Pascal ENGEL (EHESS, President of the Jury)

Michael BRADY (University of Glasgow)

Juan COMESAÑA (University of Arizona)


Julien DEONNA (University of Geneva)

Uriah KRIEGEL (IJN, Thesis Supervisor)


The Epistemic Justification of Emotions

Abstract : 

My dissertation concerns the epistemic rationality of emotions. Many think that emotions are representations of value (e.g., fear represents dangerousness). I endorse this picture and argue further that emotions, like beliefs, are assessable for epistemic justification. There is a puzzle that arises in the form of three independently plausible but mutually inconsistent theses. The overall project is to present an account of the epistemology of emotion that resolves this apparent tension.