Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Soutenances de Thèse et HDR > Soutenance de thèse - Samaneh YASAEI - The Philosophy of Time-lapse, (...)
La soutenance aura lieu vendredi 18 décembre 2020 à 15h00 par visioconférence.
La soutenance aura lieu en ligne sur GoToMeeting. Veuillez trouver le lien ci-dessous pour la suivre :
Le jury sera composé de :
Bohdan Nebesio (Brock University) (Rapporteur)
Ruggero Eugeni (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) Rapporteur
Elisabeth Pacherie (IJN, ENS) examinatrice
Roberto Casati (IJN, ENS) directeur de thèse
Titre de la soutenance : The Philosophy of Time-lapse, Expanded Vision and Concise Observation
Résumé :
Time-lapse images provide us with an expanded time-perspective. The general subject area of the thesis is the cognitive advantage of moving images. The focus will be on Time-lapse, a sub-field of moving images, whose structure enables the function of making visible. Discussing the diverse applications of TL and the cognitive advantages delivered by this representational artifact, we evaluate the epistemic status of these Altered Pace movies as evidentials. In this regard, we construe TL as a tool for obtaining information about some of the event’s visually unavailable features. In analyzing the epistemic virtues and the possible epistemic deficiencies of this amplification process, we suggest that TL is a mechanism of producing hyperstimuli.
This practice-led enquiry is conducted through a practical and theoretical approach to TL. The research project is divided into three main parts : I. The data collection of 1000+ annotated TL sequences elicits the numerous categories of TL and the various fields of use. The theoretical research is backed by an historical review on the early example of moving images, of a review of theories of representational cognitive artefacts and of educational science videos. We address, among others, questions about the epistemic status of TL images. We also structure the field of social observation projects, particularly those that analyze a form of collective human behaviours. The thesis is concluded by a practice part, resulting in a portfolio presenting a number of time-lapse films, rooted in the cognitive approach and experimental animation, made alongside the completion of the theoretical part in collaboration with the supervisor.