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Soutenance de thèse - Axel BAPTISTA - "The Cognitive, Ecological, and Developmental Origins of Self-Disturbance in Borderline Personality Disorder"


Date : Mercredi 15 décembre à 10h

Lieu : salle de cours située au rez-de-chaussée du service de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, bâtiment Georges Heuyer, 47-83 Bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, (contacter pour pouvoir y assister)


  • Jean Marc Baleyte, PU-PH, Paris Est Créteil
  • Valérian Chambon, DR, ENS de Paris (directeur)
  • David Cohen, PU-PH, Sorbonne université (co-directeur)
  • Renaud Jardri, PU-PH, Lille
  • Elisabeth Pacherie, DR, ENS de Paris
  • Anne-Catherine Rolland, PU-PH, Reims
  • Mario Speranza, PU-PH, Paris Saclay



Clinical observations and experimental data, as well as a number of theoretical developments and international classifications, support the proposition that disturbances in self- and interpersonal functioning are fundamental to the psychopathology of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). However, there is a lack of explanatory models of BPD self-disturbance based on experimental results. We argue that the sense of agency (the experience of controlling one’s own action and through them, the course of events in the outside world) is an important dimension to consider when characterizing self-disturbances in BPD. We first developed an experimental design to test this hypothesis. Second, we address the well-known, though poorly specified, relation between self-disturbances and adverse conditions encountered early in life. We highlight the potential relevance of the phenotypic plasticity framework in evolutionary biology (i.e., Life History Theory) to make sense of this association. We hypothesize that the effect of early life adversity on BPD symptomatology is partly conditional on the way individuals trade their limited resources between competing biological functions during development.

À noter : la soutenance sera en français.