Institut Jean Nicod

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Journée des "Entrants"


Lundi 14 novembre 2016 de 10h à 18h

Journée ouverte aux seuls membres de l'IJN.
Inscription obligatoire.


Pavillon Henri IV, St Germain en Laye.
19 rue Thiers 78100 Saint Germain-en-Laye

Accès :
RER A : terminus Saint Germain-en-Laye. Puis 5 minutes à pied jusqu'à l'hôtel (par le parc du château aux heures d'ouverture ou par la rue Thiers)
Accès SNCF : Gare de la Grande Ceinture - Saint Germain-en-Laye
Accès Autoroute : A13 ou A14 Sortie Saint Germain-en-Laye centre


9h30-10h Welcome

F. Recanati : Introduction and presentation of two new projects on the self.

Slawa Loev, Tricia Magalotti, Andrés Soria-Ruiz

11h15-11h30 Coffee break

Elisabeth Pacherie, Valerian Chambon
New projects of the Agency team

Sandra Lasry, Maryam Ebrahimi Dinani,

Aïda Raoult, "Assessing the accuracy of introspection through neurofeedback".

Abstract : The validity of introspection as an access to self is the subject of an old debate between the Cartesian infallibility on one side and the unreliability notably defended by Auguste Comte on the other. Recent work (Nisbett and Wilson [1977], Schwitzgebel [2008]) have used experimental psychology to support the unreliability thesis. However, these studies raise an issue insofar as they are carried without any feedback on the introspective domain. Adopting a neurophenomenological perspective, this thesis aims at confronting the two traditional stances by exploring experimentally the interactions between brain states and introspection, using brain computer interfaces. The goal of this work will be threefold: first, we want to identify a set of cognitive processes that would be relevant for studying the introspective process; second we need to improve the computer interfaces allowing a real-time monitoring of a cognitive activity; and third we will perform experiments to measure the accuracy of introspective perception, perhaps also by identifying introspective profiles. This work will shed a new light on the legitimacy of introspection, by providing innovative tools to empirically and theoretically bridge the two classical positions.

12h45-14h15 Lunch break

Self-presentations by two new IJN members:
Salvador Mascarenhas, Brent Strickland

Milica Denic, Charlotte Hauser.

15h45-16h Coffee break

16h-16h20 Self-presentation by prospective IJN member
Jean-Baptiste André

Serena Ciranna, Geraldine Carranante, Louis Rouillé, Eleni Paleologou.