Institut Jean Nicod

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Soutenance de thèse - Aurélien Nioche : "From homo-oeconomicus to non-human primate : Three case studies on the cognitive micro-foundations of economics"

La soutenance aura lieu le 31 octobre au Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Bordeaux)

Le jury sera composé de :

Juliette Rouchier (Université Paris-Dauphine) (rapporteur),
Jérôme Sallet (University of Oxford) (rapporteur),
Sébastien Bouret (Sorbonne Université),
Murat Yildizoglu (Université de Bordeaux)
Nicolas Rougier (Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest),
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde (Ecole Normale Supérieure) (directeur),
Thomas Boraud (Université de Bordeaux) (directeur)


Abstract : Through three studies, this thesis aims to explore the cognitive micro-foundations of economics. In a first study, I investigated the role of information for coordination on a unique medium of exchange, that is to say money emergence. Relying on the search theoretical models (Kiyotaki \& Wright, 1989, and Iwai, 1996) and combining simulations and experiments, the goal of this study was to challenge the assumption that an exhaustive information is a necessary condition for money emergence. In a second study, I tackled the role of the information in duopoly competition. Using a model a-la-Hotelling (1929) and combining once again simulations and experiments, we tested the hypothesis that varying the amount of information available by consumers substantially impacts market’s dynamics. In a third study, I focused on decision-making under risk in rhesus monkeys, with the specific goal of examining how well rhesus behavior hews to aspects of prospect theory (Kahneman \& Tversky, 1989, 1992), and especially an asymmetric treatment of gains and losses.