Institut Jean Nicod

Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Colloques > 2015-2016 > Political Economy Workshop > Presentation



Workshop on Behavioral Political Economy

December 14 - 15, 2015

New models of agents’ beliefs, preferences and sophistication


Abu Dhabi - New York University

The aim of the workshop

is to discuss recent advances in our understanding of political behavior given by new behavioral models. We welcome theoretical and empirical (experimental and field data). We will give preference to the following themes and topics:

- Beliefs and misbeliefs: explaining the role of agents’ beliefs in their political choices and the effects of belief formation and possible systematic misbeliefs.

- Social preferences: discussing how agents’ social preferences can help explain patterns of political engagement.

- Sophistication: bringing insights from behavioral game theory models on agents limited sophistication into strategic games in politics (voting, coalition).

Keynote speakers

Kai Konrad, Max Planck Institute, Munich
Thomas Palfrey, Caltech
Stefano DellaVigna, UC Berkeley

Organizing Committee
Sacha Bourgeois Gironde (Paris 2)
Rebecca Morton (NYU)
Lionel Page (QUT)

More Information : Website