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Gerardo Viera (Sheffield)
"Binding events in time"
Vendredi 12 Mai, 14h-16h, Salle Langevin
Perceptual processes rely on iconic representations in which objects and properties are represented in an intertwined manner. In recent years, there has been a debate as to whether or not perceptual processes must also rely on discursive representations. That debate has largely focused on the visual system’s capacities to construct bound representations of objects and to track multiple objects over time. However, it remains unclear as to whether or not perceptual processes require discursive representations to perform these perceptual tasks. In this paper, I turn our attention to temporal representation and event perception to ask whether or not perceptual processes must rely on discursive representations in order to represent events in time rather than objects in space. I argue for two possible roles that discursive representations may play in temporal perception. First, they provide the resources needed to integrate the various representations of time found throughout the perceptual systems in order to construct a representation of a unified timeline. Second, they provide the resources needed to construct bound representations of multimodal events.