Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Colloques et conférences > Colloques et Workshops > Topics in political philosophy | July 11th
Venue : Institut Jean Nicod, Seminar room
Date : July 11th,
13-14h Brian Berkey (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania), "Who is Wronged by Wrongful Exploitation ?"
14-15h Lee-Ann Chae (Temple University), "Judging Violence : Gun Violence, Police Shootings, and Self-Defense"
15-16h Piera Maurizio (UCLA/Institut Jean Nicod), “Against a right to exclude : anti-discrimination in the workplace”
16h30-17h30 Brian Hutler (Temple University), "Gratitude, Deservingness, and the Relationship Between Rights and Duties"
17h30-18h30 Elizabeth Edenberg (Baruch College, CUNY), “Algorithmic Personalization and Political Understanding”
If you would like to participate or have any questions, please contact the organizers Lee-Ann Chae ( or Denis Buehler (