Institut Jean Nicod
  • Thesis Defense - Andreas Heise "Two Cents on Metaphor – Defending a Distinctive Account of Metaphor in the Face of Non-Cognitivist and Deflationary Challenges"

    Date : Friday 9 December 2022 at 2.30pm
    Location : Online, those who wish to attend the defense by videoconference are invited to contact Andreas Heise
    Jury :
    François Recanati (Directeur de thèse, Collège de France) Francesca Ervas (Rapporteur, Università di Cagliari) Guy Longworth (Rapporteur, University of Warwick) Anne Reboul (CNRS) Pascal Engel (EHESS)
    Abstract :
    The aim of this study is to secure the phenomenon of metaphor, and to defend a distinctive theoretical account in (...)

  • Thesis Defense - Victor Carranza - "’The Landscape of Affective Meaning"

    Date : Monday 11 July, 9:30am
    Location : Milan University (Sala P. Martinetti)
    Elin MCCREADY, Université Aoyama Gaukin Heather BURNETT, Université de Paris Isidora STOJANOVIC, CNRS - Institut Jean Nicod Michael FRANKE, Université de Tubingen Elisa PAGANINI, Université de Milan Márta ABRUSAN, CNRS-IJN
    Swear words are highly colloquial expressions that have the capacity to signal the speaker’s affective states, i.e., to display the speaker’s feelings with respect to a (...)

  • Habilitation thesis defense - Olivier Morin - "The cultural evolution of graphic codes"

    Date : 30 May 2022 from 16:00
    Place : École Normale Supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, in the Théodule Ribot room
    Jury :
    Roberto Casati (garant) (DR CNRS & DE EHESS) Nicolas Baumard (DR CNRS) Pascal Boyer (Professeur, University of Washington, Saint Louis) Paul Égré, (DR CNRS et professeur à l’ENS) Silvia Ferrara, (professeure, Università di Bologna) Kristian Tylén (professeur, Aarhus Universitet)
    Abstract :
    One of the most exciting recent developments in social science is the integration of (...)

  • Thesis Defense - Justine Mertz - "Phonological contrast and feature inventories in sign language: A study on French Sign Language (LSF)"

    Date : Tuesday 31 May at 4 pm
    Location : Turing Amphitheatre, Sophie Germain building (Université Paris Cité, 8 place Aurélie Nemours - 75013 Paris)
    Diane BRENTARI, Professeure, University of Chicago, rapportrice Karen EMMOREY, Professeure, San Diego State University, rapportrice Ioana CHITORAN, Professeure, Université Paris Cité, présidente du jury Mirko SANTORO, Chargé de recherche, Université Paris 8, examinateur Giuseppina TURCO, Chargée de recherche, Université Paris Cité - CNRS, (...)

  • Thesis Defense - Clément Apelian - "Modulation des représentations corporelles par l’hypnose"

    Date : Friday 20 May at 2pm
    Location : salle L361 (département de physique ENS), 24 Rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
    Présidente : Elisabeth PACHERIE (Institut Jean Nicod) Rapporteur : Steven LYNN (Binghamton University) Rapporteur : Andrea SERINO (University Hospital of Lausanne) Examinateur : Jérôme SACKUR (Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique) Examinateur : Devin TERHUNE (Goldsmith University of London) Directrice de thèse : Frédérique de VIGNEMONT (Institut Jean (...)

  • Thesis Defense - Chloé TAHAR - "Expletive negation: from imperatives to connectives. A formal and diachronic approach"

    Date: 15:00, 22 April 2022
    Location: Salle W ; 45 rue d’Ulm. To get there : from stairwell B, go to the top floor (floor #3), then follow the signs to "Salle W" by going up the small stairwell to the floor #4 (on the roofs).
    Regine Eckardt, Professeure, Universität Konstanz Anamaria Falaus, DR, Université de Nantes (rapporteuse) Anastasia Giannakidou, Professeure, University of Chicago Alda Mari, DR, Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS/ENS/EHESS/PSL (directrice de thèse) Salvador (...)

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