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In the framework of Casati and Giardino seminar, Maps Diagrams Sketches (Thursdays, 12h - 14h, Salle Ribot) :
December 5th
How we think about the spaces we inhabit
Abstract : Each of the spaces essential to our lives is constructed, and thereby distorted, from our perception of them and actions in them : the space of the body, the space around the body in reach of hand or eye, and the space of navigation, too large to be seen
December 12th
Putting thought in the world : Gesture
Abstract : Gesture comes before speech, and, like speech, serves many ends including establishing an overall spatial structure and exemplifying actions. Our gestures augment our own thought and change the thoughts of others.
December 19th
Putting clear thought in the world : Maps, diagrams, artifacts, stories, and the design of the world
Abstract : Thought on a virtual page consists of elements, points, lines, boxes, icons, and symbols, arrayed in space to create meaning.
December 20th IJN Colloquium
Putting messy thought in the world : Sketches & perspective