Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Séminaires > 2012-2013 > Time in Mind and Language > Presentation
This is a reading group tacking the question of how time is experienced and talked about in language. We are interested in issues such as the following :
- how do we experience time and/or change ;
- what cognitive structures are involved in temporal processing and how (e.g. how is intersensory synchrony registered) ;
- what is the best semantics for tense ;
- how do temporal expressions (indexicals, time nouns etc) work.
Some of these questions are inter-related. Although we plan to focus on these, we are open to investigating other issues that might prove to be relevant. The proposal is to alternate weekly between mind issues and language issues so that the reading group has more flexibility.
The convener of the group is Vasilis Tsompanidis. For inquiries, please contact him.
The meetings take place on Thursdays , from 16.30 to 18.30 in the meeting room, Pavillon Jardin, ground floor, ENS, 29, rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
May 2, at 16.30, the reading is : J. King (2003)
"Tense, Modality and Semantic Values", Philosophical Perspectives 17 : 195-245.
April 25, at 16.30. Guillaume Thomas will be presenting his paper "Against the vacuity of the present tense". The paper discusses Sauerland’s (2002) 2-page squib that you can find here
April 18, at 16.30 in the salle de reunion. We will discuss Marc Wittmann "Moments in time", Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 5:66, 2011.
April 9, at 16.30. Reading : Barry Dainton, "The Experience of Time and Change", Philosophy Compass 3(4), pp 619–638, 2008