Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Séminaires > 2012-2013 > Groupe de lecture Végétarisme > Présentation
The main aim of this reading goup is to explore arguments both in favor and against vegetarianism, undersood as the thesis that it is immoral to kill and/or produce suffering to non-human animals. We will aslo look at theoretical issues related to food policies, animal rights, etc. as well as more practical ones related to the best way to avoid non-human animal suffering, etc.
the reading group meets every two weeks, on Tuesdays, from 12.00 to 14.00 -Institut jean-Nicod - Salle de réunion, rdc, Pavillon Jardin, 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
April 5 from 11am to 1pm in the Seminar Room. The reading is
Animal mentality and value_proof.pdf , Peter Carruthers.
March 29 from 10 am to 12 am. The reading to be discussed is Jeff McMahan’s Eating Animals the Nice Way.
March 19 from 10am to 12am : Christine M. Korsgaard.
The two readings are two papers by Korsgaard that you can find as attached pdfs. If you’re interested in coming but can’t make it for the first meeting, drop me an e-mail : Joulia Smortchkova
- Fellow Creatures : Kantian Ethics and Our Duties to Animals
Christine M. Korsgaard.
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Delivered at University of Michigan February 6, 2004.
- The Harvard Review of Philosophy. vol. XVI, 2009.
Facing the Animal You See in the Mirror. A Lecture by Christine M. Korsgaard.
This lecture was delivered as part of the Facing Animals Panel Discussion, held at Harvard University on April 24, 2007.
December 7 at 16.30 : Uriah Kriegel, "Animal Rights : A Non-Consequentialist Approach". (The author himself will be participating.)
November 21 at 16.30 : Cora Diamond, "Eating Meat and Eating People".
November 13 at 12.00 : Michael Martin, "A Critique of Moral Vegetarianism".
October 30 at 12.00 : Tom Regan, "Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights" and Peter Singer, "Utilitarianism and Vegetarianism".
October 16 at 12.00 : Peter Singer, Animal Liberation, chapters 1 ("All Animals Are Equal") and 6 ("Speciesism Today").