Institut Jean Nicod

Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Cycle de Conférences > 2012-2013 > Asher Koriat > Asher Koriat’s Lectures

Asher Koriat’s Lectures

Professor Asher Koriat (Institute of Information Processing and Decision Making, University of Haïfa, Israel), will present three talks during his stay at Institut Jean-Nicod this fall.

1. The link from action to perception in metacognition.

September 25th 2012 - COLLOQIUM IEC, 12h - 13h30 / Salle Paul Langevin, 29 Rue d’Ulm.

2. The crossover model of subjective experience.

October 3rd 2012, 14h30-16h30 / Salle Celan, 45 rue d’Ulm

3. Epistemic feelings : The bases of subjective convictions and their accuracy.

October 10th 2012, 14h30-16h30 / Salle Celan, 45 rue d’Ulm



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