Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Colloques > 2017-2018 > Representing self and others > Présentation
12, 13 octobre 2017, salle Jaurès, 29 rue d’Ulm
Metacognitive feelings enable humans to evaluate their own cognitive performances and capacities. These reflective abilities involve metarepresentational resources linked to mind reading, bodily ownership and sensorimotor processes underlying the sense of agency. This workshop has two major goals, the first of which is to investigate the early developmental links between (i) bodily self-awareness, (ii) metacognitive self-evaluation and (iii) reading other minds. Its second goal is to draw heavily on comparative work on the cognition of human infants and of non-human primates.
Jeudi 12 Octobre
9:15-9:30 Welcome
Chair : Jacqueline Fagard
9-30-10:20 A. Bremner, The origins of body representations in perception and action in human infancy
10:20-11:10 M.L. Filippetti, Within and outside the developing body
11:10-11:40 Pause
Chair : Julie Grèzes
11:40-12:30 N. Gong, Mirror self-secognition in monkeys
12:30-13:20 S. Gelkov, Mirror self-recognition in infants
13:20-15:00 Lunch
Chair : Ghislaine Dehaene
15:00-15:50 N. Steinbeis, The development of self-other distinction across cognitive and affective domains
15:50-16:40 J. Oostenbroek, Do human newborns imitate ? Findings from a longitudinal study
16:40-17:10 Pause
17:10-18:00 C. Frith, The Self and its Groups
Vendredi 13 Octobre
Chair : Joelle Proust
9:15-10:05 A. Rosati, Metacognition and decision-making in primates
10:05-10:55 L. Goupil, Developing a reflective mind
10:55-11:25 Pause
Chair : Brent Strickland
11:25-12:15 I. Apperly, How are we ever in a position to ascribe mental states to others ?
12:15-13:05 V. Southgate, The puzzle of early theory of mind
13:05-14:30 Lunch
Chair : Uta Frith
14:30-15:25 D. Kampis, Representational flexibility of Theory of Mind in infants and preschoolers
15:25-16:15 M. Tomasello, Coordinating self and other perspectivesi in false belief and similar tasks
16:15-16:45 Pause
16:45-17:35 P. Carruthers, Questions in development
17:35-18:35 General discussion
Organisateurs : Pierre jacob (IJN), Sid Kouider (LSCP)
Ce workshop est financé par le programme New Ideas in Cognitive Development et la programme New Ideas in Social Cognition (LabEx Institut d’étude de la cognition).