Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Colloques > 2013-2014 > Rationality Models and the Economic Crisis > Presentation
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Salle Dussane,
45 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Organisé par Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde (Université Paris 2, LEMMA, et Institut Jean Nicod)
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Financé par l'ANR-ORA-NESSHI
Jeudi 8 mai 2014
9.45: Introductory speech by Reinhard Selten, Prix Nobel d'Economie 1994
10.00-11.00: Matteo Marsili (ICTP Institute)
"Where is global finance going?"
11.00-11.15: Pause-café
11.15-12.15: Fabian Christandl (University of Cologne)
"Burden or Opportunity – A Metaphor Analysis on the Perception of the Financial Crisis by Economic Laypeople"
14.00-15.00: Sorin Solomon (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"Minsky Financial Instability, Interscale Feedback, Percolation and Marshall–Walras Disequilibrium"
15.00-16.00: Natasa Golo (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"A model of Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis applied to an inter-firm network"-
16.00-16.15: Pause-café
16.15-17.15: Martin Hohnisch (University of Bonn), Sabine Pittnauer (University of Bonn) and Reinhard Selten (University of Bonn)
"Forming Intermediate Goals Attenuates Overadaptation to Good Times"
Vendredi 9 mai 2014
9.00-10.00: Oleh Havrylyshyn (University of Toronto, Peterson Institute),
"Post-Communist Economies in the Global Crisis: Diverse Impacts, Diverse Reactions"
10.00-10.15: Pause-café
10.15-11.15: Willi Semmler (The New School, NY),
"Loss Aversion, Asset Pricing and the Great Recession"
11.15-12.15: Itzhak Aharon (Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya) and Yakir Levine (Ben Gurion University),
"Complexity and Individual Psychology"