Accueil > Séminaires/Colloques > Archives > Colloques > 2013-2014 > Journée Epistémologie > Presentation
Ecole normale supérieure, 29, rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris. Salle 235A
Organisateur : Uriah Kriegel
10h00-11h30 Uriah Kriege (CNRS, IJN),
"The Epistemic Indispensability of Introspection"
11h30-13h00 Coralie Dorsaz (Fribourg),
"The Possibility of Immediate Perceptual Justification"
13h-15h lunch
15h-16h30 Alejandro Perez Carballo (Amherst),
"New Boundary Lines"
16h30-18h Joëlle Proust (IJN),
"Are Noetic Feelings a Potential Source of Epistemic Entitlement?"