Institut Jean Nicod

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7th Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy


July 1-3, 2013

"New Ideas in Philosophy of Mind and Language"

Institut Jean Nicod, Paris



The Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy is a biennial meeting that takes place under the auspices of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP) the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA), the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA), the Portuguese Society for Analytic Philosophy (SPFA) and the Francophone Society for Analytic Philosophy (SoPhA).

The “Latin” connection is important. There are a number of affinities - intellectual, affective and geographic - among Southern European countries. The main argument in favour of this link is the fact that France, Spain, Portugal and Italy are faced with similar institutional problems, which do not affect, say, Anglo-Saxon countries. We believe academic links among Southern European countries should be reinforced, so that academic communities in those countries could raise their standing in the overall international scene. Philosophy is no exception to this and the joint organization of international conferences in the area is one obvious way of implementing the idea. Institut Jean Nicod has been playing a relevant role as far as the above-mentioned joint effort is concerned, and more so in recent years.

The purpose of the Latin Meetings (organized since 2001 in one of the Latin European countries) is to provide an opportunity for researchers (mainly) from those countries to present their work. Such research will be representative of the research in analytic philosophy carried out in the so-called Latin countries. All material presented is non-published, one main goal of the meetings being to enable researchers to present to minimally demanding audiences work-in-progress versions of articles to be submitted to international blind-refereed journals. Although this is not a necessary condition, preference is given to young researchers concluding their doctoral dissertations, and philosophers who have completed their PhD within the last 5 years. And although participation is not limited to researchers from the countries mentioned, preference will be given to researchers active in universities from those countries and to researchers that are citizens of those countries working abroad.



Institut Jean Nicod, Ecole Normale Superieure, 29 rue d'Ulm, Pavillon Jardin, 75005 Paris, salle de reunion (the building in the courtyard, ground floor).


Monday, July 1


Speaker: Alexandre Billon (Université Lile III, Institut Jean Nicod), "Self-Awareness and Pathological Self-Doubt"

Commentator: Jérome Dokic (Institut Jean Nicod)

16.30-17.00: coffee break


Speaker: Olivia Sultanescu (York University), "Is There Genuine Intentionality in Perception? An Examination of Burge's View"

Commentator: Cristina Corredor (Universidad de Valladolid)

Tuesday, July 2

Speaker: Patrizia Pedrini (Università degli Studi di Firenze), "Self-Deception: The 'Doxastic Problem'"
Commentator: Fiora Salis (Universidade de Lisboa, LANCOG)

11.30-12.00: coffee break

Speaker: Miguel Angel Sebastian (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), "Foundations for a Metasemantic Theory of De Se Content"

Commentator: Isidora Stojanovic (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institut Jean Nicod)

13.30-15.00: lunch break (own arrangements)

Speaker: Leandro de Brasi (Universidad Alberto Hurtado), "Contextualism Meets Testimony"

Commentator: Franck Lihoreau (Universiadade Nova de Lisboa)

16.30-17.00: coffee break

Speaker: Carlo Filotico (Milano), "Relativism and the Norms of Belief"

Commentator: Markus Kneer (Institut Jean Nicod)

20.00: conference dinner

Wednesday, July 3

Speaker: Gregory Bochner (Université Libre de Bruxelles, COGITO), "Essential Indexicality and Modal Illusions"
Commentator: François Recanati (Institut Jean Nicod)

11.30-12.00: coffee break

Speaker: Gonçalo Santos (Universidade de Lisboa, LANCOG), "Numbers and Everything"

Commentator: Can Baskent (Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques)

The format of the sessions will be as follows: talk - 45 min; comments - 15 min; discussion - 30 min.

The conference dinner on July 2 will take place in the garden of the Institute and will be subsidized.

Organizers: Dan Zeman, Markus Kneer and Vasilis Tsompanidis.
For further questions, please contact the organizers at


Call for abstracts

Those wishing to participate as speakers should submit an abstract (of up to 1000 words) to by MARCH 31, preferably on topics in the philosophy of language or in the philosophy of mind. The abstracts should be written in analytic style, making clear the main thesis of the paper and the arguments in its favour. Submitted abstracts will be refereed by the Scientific Committee of the Latin Meeting. Decisions on acceptance will be made by MAY 1. Some of those whose paper has been rejected might be invited as discussants, depending on the topic of their work. The organizers will cover two nights of accommodation for the selected speakers, but not their travel expenses, nor their meals during the conference.

Scientific committee

• Andrea Iacona (Università dell’Aquila, Italia)
• Célia Teixeira (LanCog, Universidade de Lisboa)
• Elisabetta Sacchi (Università San Raffaele, Italia)
• Jesus Vega (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
• Josefa Toribio (ICREA & Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
• Manuel García-Carpintero (Universitat de Barcelona)
• Manuel de Pinedo García (Universidad de Granada)
• Massimiliano Carrara (Università di Pádua)
• Pedro Santos (Universidade do Algarve e LanCog, Universidade de Lisboa)
• Ricardo Santos (Universidade de Évora)
• Stefano Caputo (Università di Torino)
• Teresa Marques (LanCog, Universidade de Lisboa)
• François Recanati (Institut Jean Nicod, ENS, EHESS)
• Isidora Stojanovic (Institut Jean Nicod, Pompeu Fabra University)
• Jerome Dokic (Institut Jean Nicod, EHES)
• Filipe Drapeau-Vieira-Contim (University of Rennes 1)

Previous Latin Meetings

• 1st Edition: Lisboa, July, 5-8, 2001
• 2nd Edition: Aix-Provence, November 13-15, 2003
• 3rd Edition: Valencia, June 9-11, 2005
• 4rd Edition: Genoa, September 20-22, 2007
• 5th Edition: L’Aquila, 8-10 September, 2009
• 6th Edition (10 years anniversary edition): Lisboa, November 2-4, 2011

