Accueil > Recherche > Projets > Projects
Finissant en 2026
- SAGAS : Sense of Agency in Automated Societies, ANR, Valérian Chambon & Elisabeth Pacherie 2022-2026
- MYELEX, Implications de la myéline dans le contrôle exécutif à l’adolescence et à l’âge adulte, ANR PRC, M.-C. Angulo (PI), A. Cachia (co-PI) & V. Chambon (co-PI), 2022-2026
Finissant en 2025
- RANGE, The Behavioral and Computational Nature of Range Dependent Decisions, ANR, PI Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde (IJN) ; co-PI Stefano Palminteri (LNC²)
- Essential Indexicality and Thoughts about Experience, ANR de recherche collaborative – internationale (PRCI). Collaborators : Martine Nida-Rümelin (Université de Fribourg, Suisse) & Julien Bugnon (Université de Fribourg, Suisse) François Recanati & Gregory Bochner 2023 - 2025
Finissant en 2024
- ORISEM, Sources of Meaning : Grounding Formal Semantics, ERC Advanced Grant, Philippe Schlenker, 2019-2024
- EMOTIVA, Comment l’émotion motive l’action. ANR PRC, Julie Grèzes (LNC) & Elisabeth Pacherie, 2020-2024.
- SCALUB, SCALING UP SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, ANR, Hugo Mercier, Brent Strickland, Nicolas Claidière, 2021-2024
- CIRCLE, ANR, Valérian Chambon, 2021-2024
- Science communication for and by citizens, CNRS, Hugo Mercier 2021-2024.
- Let’s stop talking about Holmes : Philosophy of fiction beyond novels, Merel Semeijn (University of Groningen) : Rubicon grant by NWO (The Dutch Research Council). Institut Jean Nicod supervisor : François Recanati, 2022 - 2024
Finissant en 2023
- SOTIPAD, Fondation de France, en collaboration avec le CHU de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Valérian Chambon et Axel Baptista, 2020-2023
- AMBISENSE, Accès à l’ambiguïté perceptive : mesures comportementales, métacognitives et physiologiques de la perception en situation d’incertitude, Paul Egré, Daniel Pressnitzer (LSP), Vincent de Gardelle (CES), et Jackson Graves (IJN/LSP), ANR, 2020-2023
- PeriTia, Policy, Expertise and Trust in Action, Horizon 2020, 2020-2023
- HUMILITIES, NUY, Hugo Mercier, 2021-2023
- ProbaSem, Sémantique et pragmatique probabilistes - Approximation, hyperboles, implicatures de quantité, Benjamin Spector, 2019-2023
- COGHIST, ANR, Nicolas Baumart, 2019-2023
- EnCoNorm - communautés PSL-EELISA (Casati) 2021-2023
Finissant en 2022
- DIS-Covid, ANR, Roberto Casati, 2020-2022.
- LANG-REASON, Between Language and Reasoning, ANR JCJC, Salvador Mascarenhas, 2018-2022.
- LANGUAGE IN REASON, PSL, Salvador Mascarenhas, 2021-2022.
- EEC, Education à l’Esprit critique, ANR (dir. N. Gauvrit EPHE), R. Casati, E. Pasquinelli, 2019-2022
- Signals of Trust in Digitized Paintings and Texts, ANR Nicolas Baumart, 2019-2022
- INTACT II, Ministère de l’intérieur, FIESPI, Alda Mari, 2020-2022
- The Philosophy of the Ocean, Bogliasco Foundation, Roberto Casati, 2022
- Le Cahier AtWork, PSL-Scripta, Roberto Casati, 2022
- DIEKB, Dinsinformation in Evolving Knowledge Bases, projet en partenariat avec Mondeca, Airbus Defense & Space, Paul Egré et Benjamin Icard, 2019-2022
- CNTFE, DGA, Hugo Mercier, 2018-2022
- An Evolutionary and Cultural Perspective on Intellectual Humility via Intellectual Curiosity and Epistemic Deference, John Templeton Foundation, Hugo Mercier, 2021-2022
Finissant en 2021
- CROWDSOURCING, Building a crowdsourcing platform for the study of ancient and modern fictions, FYSSEN, Nicolas Baumart, 2019-2021
- Confirma, DGA, Hugo Mercier, 2018-2021.
- SublimAE : The Sublime and Aesthetic Experiences, ANR PRC, Jérôme Dokic, 2018-2021.
- Reaching into the unknown, goal-directed actions, agency and exploration, Frontiers in Cognition, Valérian Chambon & Valentin Wyart, 2019-2021
- JointAction4HRI : Joint action for human-robot interaction, ANR PRC, Rachid Alami (LAAS, Toulouse, Michèle Guidetti (CLLE, Toulouse) & Elisabeth Pacherie, 2016-2021.
- ESSINDEX, Marie Curie, G. Bochner 2019-2021
Finissant en 2020
- SAJA, ANR, Elisabeth Parcherie, 2016-2020
- TITI MONKEYS, FYSSEN, Philippe Schlenker, 2019-2020
- Neuromoney, ANR, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, 2016-2020
- The SIGN-HUB : Preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource. Horizon 2020, Research & Innovation : Sign-Hub. Consortium, Carlo Geraci, 2016-2020. Site web
- DIAPHORA H2020 European Training Network, François Recanati, 2016-2020. Site web
- BE-AGENT : Being an agent in an uncertain world : a neuro-computational approach, ANR Jeune Chercheur, Valerian Chambon, 2016-2020. Site web
- Cognition in the Wind II, EHESS Fonds de la Recherche, Roberto Casati, 2020
Ayant fini
- Cognition in the Wind I, EHESS IRIS and Taqwim Association, Roberto Casati, 2019
- Disorientation Remediation, (PSL NYU) R. Casati, 2018-2019
- Map Semantics, PSL Columbia, R. Casati, 2018-2019
- Automatic detection of sexism in social networks, Institut de la Cognition Carnot. Alda Mari & Gloria Origgi in collaboration with IRIT, 2017-2019
- DEV TOOLS : Developmental trajectories of sensorimotor control of mechanical tools, ANR, A. Farné / F. de Vignemont, R. Casati, J. Dokic, 2016-2019.
- DIS, Institut de la Cognition, Roberto Casati, 2018-2019
- Global Alliance, PSL, Jérôme Pelletier, 2018-2019
- INTACT, Ministère de l’Intérieur, Alda Mari, 2018-2019
- Macaque40 : Implication of a minimal information and limited computational abilities on money emergence : An experimental approach with humans, macaques and artificial agents. Projet ANR, S. Bourgeois-Gironde, 2016-2019.
- Parcours connectés, Investissement d’avenir E-Fran, Roberto Casati et Franck Ramus (LSCP), 2016-2019.
- SAJA : Sense of Agency in Joint Action, ANR PRC, Elisabeth Pacherie, coll. V. Chambon, F. de Vignemont, S. Bourgeois-Gironde, J. Dokic, 2016-2019.
- Sesame, Institut de la Cognition, Gloria Origgi, 2018-2019
- AGENT, Research grant awarded by Paris Research University (PSL), Valerian Chambon, 2016-2018. Site web
- Improving Prediction for a Better World, PSL Grant, Brent Strickland, co-recipients : Dennis Bonnay (DEC/ENS, Paris 10), Miriam Teschl (EHESS), Stephane Luchini (CNRS), 2016-2018.
- Essence, Nature and Properties : From the constitution of finite things to the structure of God, University of Innsbruk / Fundation John Templeton, F. Nef & A. Perez, 2016-2018.
- Executive and motivational self-control : how they interact and interface, FSU Research Foundation, Elisabeth Pacherie (IJN), coll. M. Mylopoulos (Carleton University, Canada), 2016-2017.
- TriLogMean : Trivalent Logics and Natural Language Meaning. ANR. Benjamin Spector (PI) and Paul Egré, 2014-2018.
- FRONTSEM : New Frontiers of Formal Semantics, SHS, Philippe Schlenker, 2013-2018. Site Web
- Design, IRIS PSL Création, cognition et société, Roberto Casati, 2016-2017.
- DIAL, PSL Lettres, sciences humaines et sociales, économie, finances et gestion, Roberto Casati, 2016-2017.
- Social learning : When, Why and How ?, Institut d’Etude de la Cognition, Valerian Chambon & Coralie Chevallier, 2015-2017.
- How does it feel to act together ?, Actions incitatives, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Valerian Chambon, 2015-2016.
- Sense of Agency, Research grant (Fondation Fyssen), Valerian Chambon, 2015-2016
- Vision et Emotion dans l’Autisme, Fondation de France, Tiziana Zalla, 2014-2016.
- InFOR-Autism (Fondation FondaMental) Tiziana Zalla (2013-2016)rojet GENIA, Défi GENRE 2015, (Genre et Intelligence Artificielle), Gloria Origgi.
- DIVIDNORM : Divided metacognition, when epistemis norms conflict (ERC advanced Grant, 2011-2016, Joëlle Proust) : Site web
- Project GENIA, Défi GENRE (Genre et Intelligence Artificielle), Gloria Origgi, 2015
- EVOLFAIR : The Evolution of Fairness by Partner-choice : An Interdisciplinary Approach. Chaire d’Excellence Junior PSL (2013-2015) Nicolas Baumard.
- Action et Perception Sociale dans l’Autisme (Fondation Orange) Tiziana Zalla. (2013-2014)
- FICTION : Fiction in Emotion (ANR Grant, 2012-2014, Jérôme Pelletier) : Site web
- NESSHI : The Neural Turn in European Social Sciences (2011-2014) Programme ORA-ANR, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde . Site web
- MINDPROGES : Développement humain et cognition, langage et communication (ANR Grant, 2011-2014, Claire Beyssade).
- DEFI-GENRE : Quel genre pour l’intelligence artificielle ? (SHS 2013). Gloria Origgi.
- DEFI-SENS : Optimisation des dispositifs de substitution sensorielle par l’exploitation des correspondances intermodales (SHS 2013). Malika Auvray.
- AVE : Visual Art and Emotion (ANR Grant, 2011-2013, Jérôme Pelletier).
- PETAF : Perspectival Thoughts and Facts (FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network, 2010-2013) : Site web
- CCC : Context, Content and Compositionality (ERC advanced Grant, 2009-2013, François Recanati) : Site web
- SOCODEV : Normal and pathological development of social cognition (ANR Grant, 2009-2013, Pierre Jacob, Emmanuel Dupoux)
- Presupposition : A Formal Pragmatic Approach (Euryi Grant from the European Science Foundation, 2007-2013, Philippe Schlenker).
- Semantic Content and Context Dependence (MICINN Grant from the Spanish Government, 2010-2012, Isidora Stojanovic, Max Kolbel, Stefano Predelli).
- TELCAS : Theoretical/Experimental Linguistic Cognition Advanced Studies (Grant from the Partner University Fund, 2009-2012, Emmanuel Dupoux, Dominique Sportiche).
- KNOWJUST : Knowledge, Metacognition, and modes of justification (ANR Grant, 2009-2012, Claudine Tiercelin, Joëlle Proust) Site web
- Renaissance (BQR, Ecole Normale Supérieure (2011, Roberto Casati).
- Negative polarity : Licensing conditions and connections to scalar implicatures (Euro-Xprag Grant from the European Science Foundation, 2009-2011, Emmanuel Chemla, Vincent Homer, Daniel Rothschild).
- GENIUS : Genericity : Interpretation and Uses (ANR Grant, 2009-2011, Alda Mari) Site web
- VAGUENESS : Cognitive Origins of Vagueness (ANR Grant, 2008-2011, Paul Egré) : Site web
- STREP Liquidpublication (FP7, 2008-2011, Gloria Origgi) : Site web
- Confidence : How subjective confidence modulates performance and belief : conceptual, developmental, and psychological issues (ANR, Elisabeth Pacherie, 2007-2011)
- Social Cognition (ANR Grant, 2007-2011, Elisabeth Pacherie)
- Marie-Curie DBR (FP7, 2008-2010, Roberto Casati)
- Feeling of control (ANR Grant, 2007-2010, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde)
- STREP Exrel : Explaining religion (FP7, 2007-2010, Dan Sperber)
- CNCC : Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context
(Eurocores, ESF, 2006-2009, Joëlle Proust) Site web
- ENACTIVE Interfaces (EC Network of Excellence IST- 002114 2004-2009, Roberto Casati).
- Sémantique et Modélisation (GDR CNRS 2521, 2002-2009, Francis Corblin) : Site web
- MINDREADING : Mindreading and the Emergence of Human Communication (Eurocores, ESF, 2002-2006, François Recanati)