Accueil > Membres > Jeunes docteur·e·s > LOEV Wjatscheslaw > LOEV Wjatscheslaw
I studied Philosophy and Economics in Bayreuth (Germany) and did my Masters in Cognitive Science, focusing on Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience, in Osnabrück (Germany). Now I am a PhD-student in the context of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network DIAPHORA, supervised by Elisabeth Pacherie and Jérôme Dokic. In my PhD-project I try to find a novel take on the elusive phenomenon of intuition. In order to provide something like a new and more comprehensive theory of intuition I draw on work in philosophy of mind, cognitive and social psychology, as well as neuroscience. On my view, all these disciplines which work on intuition have provided so far only part of the puzzle while remaining in relative ignorance of the work in other disciplines. This is a dire state against the background that intuition seems to play a key role in everyday life and shape philosophical and scientific work on several stages. My key idea is to focus on the feeling aspect of intuition paramount to our everyday understanding of intuition but only recently considered by intuition research. As a consequence of that I try to make sense of intuitions as meta-cognitive feelings like the feeling of knowing or the feeling of rightness. By connecting intuitions to the rich philosophical and empirical literature on meta-cognitive feelings one can address critical blind spots within current philosophical and psychological theories, substantiate as yet under-determined accounts and strengthen cross-disciplinary links between philosophy and psychology. My project aims to develop an account of intuitions as a subset of meta-cognitive feelings that will make this possible.