Accueil > Membres > Etudiant·e·s > Doctorant·e·s > KONUK Can > KONUK Can
Reasoning and Communication
Université de Paris
I am a PhD student at the Institut Jean Nicod in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, under the supervision of Salvador Mascarenhas.
My research explores how human reason with probabilistic information and causal information. In particular, three focuses of my work are :
What sort of reasoning strategies underly the Representativeness effect and other non-normative patterns of probabilistic reasoning identified in the literature.
How probabilities and subjects causal models for a given situation influence their causal responsibility judgments. In particular, I have been interested in plural cause judgments, in which people point to multivariate causes as `the cause’ of a given event.
How in turn the widespread use of causal responsibility judgments in ordinary discourse enriches subjects causal knowledge by assisting them in the task of abductive inference from limited observations.