Institut Jean Nicod

Accueil > Etudier à l’IJN > Offres des stage à l’Institut Jean-Nicod > The color of the sea in maps > The color of the sea in maps

The color of the sea in maps


Responsable - Roberto Casati

Type de stage - Bibliographie, théorie

Public - M1/M2

Durée - Libre

Dates - Libres


Today high standardized associative symbolism on mapping : blue for water, red for towns, green for trees, has come to characterize the representation of the most common map features.” (Ulla Erensvard, « Color in cartography : A historical Survey », in Art and Cartography : Six Historical Essays, edited by David Woodward, The University of Chicago Press, 1987).

This internship addresses the historical and cognitive aspects of the choice to use specific colors for representing the sea, and water in general, on maps.