Accueil > Actualités > TRIBUTE ǀ The editorial note of the last ALIUS Bulletin pays a tribute to (...)
Le groupe de recherche ALIUS rend hommage à Martin Fortier, ancien doctorant sous la direction de Jérôme Dokic, dans la note éditoriale de son dernier bulletin.
"Martin Fortier has been a wonderful friend and a brilliant colleague, gone far too soon to realize his extraordinary potential despite his many precocious achievements. More than anyone, he embodied the spirit of interdisciplinarity. His passion for the scientific study of consciousness was inspiring, altering the trajectory of many researchers in our network and beyond. This text is intended to provide a faithful, up-to-date, and accurate representation of Martin’s wide-ranging research by adapting in large part from Martin’s own summary of his work written about a year before his passing."