Institut Jean Nicod

New publications

Fernandez Velasco, P., Perroy, B., Gurchani, U., & Casati, R. (2024). Social and temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 pandemic : An analysis of 3306 responses to a quantitative questionnaire. British Journal of Psychology

Gurchani, M. U., 2024,Right-Wing Twitter Users in France Exhibit Growing Homophily Compared With Left and Center Users. Social Media + Society

Wojciech Załuski, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde & Adam Dyrda, Research Handbook on Legal Evolution, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2024

Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Comment le droit nous rapproche de la nature, PUF, 2024

Gloria Origgi, La Vérité est une question politique, Albin Michel, 2024

Oscar Julian Esteban-Cantillo, Beatriz Menendez, and Benjamin Quesada, 2024, Climate Change and Air Pollution Impacts on Cultural Heritage Building Materials in Europe and Mexico, Science of The Total Environment

Jacques Mégier 2024, la conscience comme auto-représentation, Éditions L’Harmattan



TRIBUTE ǀ The Institut Jean Nicod is extremely sad to announce that Daniel Dennett, who gave the Jean Nicod Lectures in 2001, passed away this week. He was an inspiration to many of us and will be sorely missed.

FINANCING ǀ Isidora Stojanovic ("The positive, the negative, the good and the bad in language, mind and morality") and François Recanati ("Mental Files : New Foundations") have been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant 2023

UN LIVRE UN CAFE ǀ Gloria Origgi talks about her book "La Vérité est une question politique" published by Albin Michel.

PRIX JEAN NICOD ǀ Uta and Chris Frith graphic novel inspired by their 20214 Jean Nicod lectures is published in french at the Denoël Graphic editions !

MEDIA ǀ Transparency, expertise, direct democracy, ... Do politicians need to be in the "truth" to make the right decisions ?Listen to Gloria Origgi’s interview for Les matins de France Culture.

PRIX JEAN NICOD ǀ The Institut is honored to present the Prix Jean Nicod 2024 to Christopher Peacocke, and to welcome him to a series of lectures on the theme of "Understanding Music" in May and June.

HISTOIRES DE THESE ǀ Can artificial intelligence be explained ? Thomas Souverain looks at this question from the perspective of financial services and job search.