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Lie-Panie, J., Fitouchi, L., Baumard, N., André, J.-B. (2024). "The social leverage effect : Institutions transform weak reputation effects into strong incentives for cooperation", PNAS, 121 (51)
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Battich, L. Pacherie, E., & Grèzes, J. (2024). Social perspective-taking influences on metacognition. Cognition, 254, 105966
Alan Bale & David Nicolas. (2024). Counting individuals and their halves. Linguistics and Philosophy.
Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2024), Two levels of confusion between imagination and memory, Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, s.i. "Successful and unsuccessful remembering and imagining", Ying-Tung Lin, Chris McCarroll, Kirk Michaelian, & Mike T. Stuart (eds)
Arcangeli, M. 2024. "Self-knowledge of Imagining and the Transparency Proposal", in Í. Vendrell Ferran & C. Werner (eds.), Imagination and Experience. Philosophical Explorations, 68-85 Routledge
Salgues, S. ; Jacquot, A. ; Makowski, D. ; Tahar, C. ; Baekeland, J. ; Arcangeli, M. ; Dokic, J. ; Piolino, P. & Sperduti, M. 2024. “Self-reference and emotionalreaction drive aesthetic judgment”, Scientific Reports.
Esteban-Cantillo, O.J., Clerici, N., Avila-Diaz, A. et al. 2024 Historical and future extreme climate events in highly vulnerable small Caribbean Islands. Clim Dyn
Oleg Sobchuk, Mason Youngblood, and Olivier Morin, 2024, First-Mover Advantage in Music, EPJ Data Science
Roberto Casati, The Cognitive Life of Maps (The MIT Press, 2024) - in Open Access !
Amel Achour-Benallegue et al.2024, Facial Icons as Indexes of Emotions and Intentions, Frontiers in Psychology 15
Fernandez Velasco, P., Perroy, B., Gurchani, U., & Casati, R. (2024). Social and temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 pandemic : An analysis of 3306 responses to a quantitative questionnaire. British Journal of Psychology
Gurchani, M. U., 2024,Right-Wing Twitter Users in France Exhibit Growing Homophily Compared With Left and Center Users. Social Media + Society
PRIX JEAN NICOD ǀ The Prix Jean Nicod 2025 is awarded to Peter Gärdenfors, who will present 4 lectures at ENS in May 2025
NEWS | Researchers in social cognition from Jean Nicod speak about their recent researches about the role of institutions in promoting cooperation on the CNRS website (in French).
YOUNG PH.D. GRADUATES | Congratulations to Tess Feyen, Quentin Blomet, Jakob Süskind, Thomas Souverain and Hugo Trad on defending their thesis !
PRIX ǀ Alda Mari was awarded the Prix de l’innovation en sciences humaines et sociales for its INTACT project (intention detection, action prediction), which aims to detect urgency in social networks during ecological crises, with a learning system that can cover all kinds of ecological crises.
PRIX ǀ François Recanati was awarded the prix Gay-Lussac Humboldt, given by the Humboldt Foundation, for his body of work.